Soybean Milk or Soy Milk Recipe - Learn How To Make Soybean Milk or Soy Milk

2017-09-29 16:57:58

soybean milk recipe or how to make soy milk

Soybean (or soy) is the richest plant source of protein available. The soy protein is of the highest quality among all legumes and equivalent to that of milk or meat protein. Besides this, every serving of soybean contain atleast 8 grams of dietary fibres and substantial amount of other micronutrients iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, omega-3 fats and Vitamin A, B and D. Soy foods if used smartly, contribute significantly toward meeting the daily protein requirement of the body. One of the best ways of incorporating soybean or soy in our daily diet is in the form of soybean milk or soy milk. Lower in calories and richer in nutrients, soybean milk or soy milk is a great substitute for cow milk or dairy milk.

Consumption of soybean milk or soy milk has many health benefits. To list a few, soybean milk or soy milk helps in improving blood lipid profile, prevents from coronary heart diseases and blood vessels hemorrhage, promotes weight loss, helps in preventing the body from prostrate cancer and females from post menopause syndrome. Besides, the high amount of calcium and vitamin D content of soybean milk or soy milk helps in preventing bone osteoporosis and mantaining the bone mass. Consumption of soybean milk or soy milk is highly recommended after heavy workouts. It serves as a great substitute and medium for protein and calcium intake for people who are allergic to cow milk or dairy milk or those who as lactose intolerant.

Making soybean milk or soy milk at home is easy and is also healthier and cheaper as compared to buying soybean milk cans from market. Given below is detailed recipe and step by step photos of making soybean milk or soy milk at home.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes + 14 hours for soaking the soybean seeds or soy seeds in plain water

Cooking Time: 20 minute

Recipe Yield: 1 litre (4 glasses of 250 ml each)

Ingredients for making Soybean Milk / सामग्री:

  • Soybean Seeds - 1 big cup of volume 250 ml; The soybean should be of good quality other the soybean milk will be yellow in color; Soak the soybean seeds in plain water for 14-15 hours;
  • Water - 1 litre

Procedure for making Soybean Milk:

  1. Wash the soybean seeds nicely with plain water and then soak them in plain water for at-least 14-15 hours.
  2. After soaking for 14-15 hours strain off the water in which they were soaked. Then wash the soybean seeds again with plain water nicely.
  3. Now transfer the soaked soybean seeds to a mixer jar and add 1/2 cup water to it. Grind the soaked soybean seeds to form a fine paste.
  4. Then transfer the fine paste of soybean seeds to a deep mixing vessel and add 1 litre water to it. Mix the ingredients well. Now strain the solution into another deep vessel using a fine sieve or strainer or colander.
  5. Now set the strained solution to boil over medium flame. Stir continuously and allow the solution to boil slowly over medium flame only.
  6. When the solution will start boiling, foam will be formed on the upper surface. Remove this foam with the help of spoon (as shown in the image below).
  7. Stir continuously and let the solution boil for 10 minutes. Then turn off the flame. The soybean milk is ready to be strained.
  8. After 2-3 minutes, strain this soybean milk through a clean cotton cloth. Fresh, hot and extremely nutritious soybean is ready to be served. Your can store and serve it cold or as you like it.

सोयाबीन के दूध बनाने की प्रक्रिया:

  1. सोयाबीन के बीज को सादे पानी के साथ अच्छी तरह धो लें और फिर उन्हें कम से कम 14-15 घंटे के लिए सादे पानी में भिगो दें।
  2. 14-15 घंटों के लिए भिगोने के बाद सोयाबीन के बीज को पानी में से निकाल लें। फिर सोयाबीन के बीज को फिर से सादे पानी से धो लें।
  3. अब सोयाबीन के बीज को एक मिक्सर जार में डालें और इसमें ½ छोटा कप पानी डालें। अब सोयाबीन के बीज को मिक्सी में डालकर एक बारीक पेस्ट बनाने के लिए पीस लें।
  4. फिर सोयाबीन के बीज के पेस्ट को एक गहरे पतीले में डालें और इसमें 1 लीटर पानी जोडे़ं। अच्छी तरह से सामग्री मिलाएं। अब एक बारीक छलनी का उपयोग करके ऊपर बनाए गए मिश्रण को दूसरे पतीले में छानकर डालें।
  5. अब इस मिश्रण को मध्यम आँच पर उबलने के लिए रखें। लगातार चलाते रहें और केवल मध्यम आँच पर ही उबालें।
  6. जब मिश्रण उबलना शुरु होजाएगा, तो उसकी ऊपरी सतह पर झाग सा बनने लगेगा। तब एक चम्मच की मदद से इस झाग  को ऊपर-ऊपर से ही निकाल लें (जैसा कि नीचे दी गई छवि में दिखाया गया है)।
  7. लगातार चलाते रहें और मिश्रण को इसी तरह 10 मिनट के लिए उबालें। फिर आँच बंद करें और सोयाबीन का दूध छानने के लिए तैयार है।
  8. 2-3 मिनट के बाद, एक साफ सूती कपड़े से इस सोयाबीन के दूध को छान लें। आपका ताजा, गर्म और अत्यंत पौष्टिक सोयाबीन का दूध सेवन के लिए तैयार है। आप इसे ठंडा या गरम, जैसे पसंद हो वैसे इसका सेवन कर सकते हैं।


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Renu Srivastava

Cooking with heart and soul for her family for over 30 years, now she is here to share her recipes with the world. All her life as a homemaker to help her husband and kids achieve success in their respective fields, now she has started this blog to do something for herself and pursue further her passion for cooking.

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