Dahi Chiwda Recipe - Learn How To Make Dahi Chiwda

Dahi chiwda or Dahi chooda

This recipe doesn't need much description. It is healthy and tasty breakfast dish that charges you up to kick start your day. Learn to make this dish with a simple recipe given belwo:

Preparation Time:  5 minutes

Cooking Time: 5 minutes

Recipe Yield:b 2 servings

Procedure for making Dahi Chiwda:

  1. Clean the flattened rice or beatn rice and then wash it once with plain water.
  2. Now tansfer it to a mxing bowl and pour the curd over it.
  3. Add sugar or jaggery or honey as per taste and requirement to it.
  4. Now peel off 1 banana and chope it into small slices. Add the slices to the bowl and mix all the ingredients well.
  5. Transfer the mixture to a beautiful dish and the dahi chiwda is ready to be served.

दही चिवड़ा बनाने की प्रक्रिया:

  1. सबसे पहले चिवड़ा को साफ करें और फिर इसे एक बार सादे पानी से धो लें।
  2. अब इसे एक बड़े कटोरे में डालें और उस पर दही डालें।
  3. स्वाद और आवश्यकता के अनुसार चीनी या गुड़ या शहद डालें।
  4. अब 1 केले को छीलकर छोटे टुकड़ों में काटें और कटोरे में डालें और सभी सामग्री को अच्छे से मिलाकर एक मिश्रण बना लें।
  5. मिश्रण को एक सुंदर से बरतन में डालें और दही चिवड़ा बनकर तैयार है।
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Renu Srivastava

Cooking with heart and soul for her family for over 30 years, now she is here to share her recipes with the world. All her life as a homemaker to help her husband and kids achieve success in their respective fields, now she has started this blog to do something for herself and pursue further her passion for cooking.

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